Friday, May 20, 2011

Quote of the Day:

"That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretense. It's true, we're locked in an image, an act - and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it, they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession." Jim Morrison

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Downward Spiral

Ever had a moment... a moment in time that will forever change the course of a chosen path? A moment that transcends all rhythm, rhyme, reason.. Overwhelmed with emotions... consumed by feelings... Feelings with no base... or is there? Playing a game of tongue twister.. can't speak.. palms get sweaty, cheeks flushed, feeling the pounding of your heart consuming every facet of your being... Trying to keep composure.. Failing miserably.... Fight or Flight? Goosebumps take over and then the shaking begins... Breathe, you tell yourself... attempting to find the sense to your body's natural fluidity... Control, my best friend, where can you be? Abandoned by all logic, I lay there... trying to stay calm as I slowly drown... choking on my own fears and insecurities... grasping for sense. Running as fast as I can, yet can't seem to move a muscle. Maybe can't isn't the right word.. Maybe it's more like I don't want to.

Oh Pride where can you be? Control finds the Exit sign and then you too? Who is this person.. I look in the mirror and don't recognize the girl looking back at me... Yet, the more i look, the more i see, the more i see, the more i feel.. the more i feel, the more open I am... and then suddenly, I get slapped with the realization that there is no rationale in matters of the heart....

Pause *Big Sigh* I surrender.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Check Please

Silence. I can hear it... it's deafening... it's's painful... engulfed it its fury... consumed by the Almighty darkness... jumbled thoughts... racing heart beat... the lul of the fan... the sound of cars rushing by... What to do? What to say? Who am I in the quietest of night? Mirror Mirror on the wall, who shall I be if at all? Truth. no words. comfort. blank canvas... what to fill it with? Abstract or realism? Where to go from here... Checkmate.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Words of Wisdom

The most selfish 1 letter word - I - avoid it.

The most satisfying 2 letter word - We - use it.

The most poisonous 3 letter word - Ego - kill it.

The most used 4 letter word - Love - value it.

The most pleasing 5 letter word - Smile - keep it.

The fastest spreading 6 letter word - Rumour - ignore it.

The hardest working 7 letter word - Success - achieve it.

The most enviable 8 letter word - Jealousy - distance it.

The most powerful 9 letter word - Knowledge - acquire it.

The most essential 10 letter word - Confidence - trust it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

$5 charge for Whining

I feel as though my life is nothing but a series of "meaningless tragedies and a series of near escapes" If it's not one thing, it's something... If it's not that something, it's another breaks..Everytime, I think I can breathe easier, I have the urge to run a mile while smoking... mmmhmm, catch my drift?

When I start to feel like this, I know it's caused by one thing...My one, always uninvited, unwarented visits from my not so dear friend, Stress. Stress and I go way back... Stress and I have shared many experiences together, be it a series of sleepless nights, epic fights, shared tears, overwined and dined,and my favorite, polishing off a carton of chocolate chip cookie dough in ONE sitting... OH Stress...

The thing with Stress is the fact that when hanging for too long, she can zap any and all energy outta ya, like a sponge.. soak soak soak it up. Narcassitic lil brat she is... not into sharing...I tried to "fix this" I came up with this brilliant idea of introducing her to my other friends, Nic, Al, Barb, and D Press..

Now, keep in mind I know how Stress works and introducing to more than two friends was unacceptable, unbearable, and could prove quite costly, not just wallet wise.. Joining forces with Stress, I became the person I never wanted to be.. a lot like my MOTHER. Stress took so much from me, and at the end of it all, what good did she bring? aside from some blackmail photos, hips that puts Selma Hayek's to shame, and a lovely shade of purple and blue hue under the eyes... really, nothing to write home about...

I've realized after many trials and errors, I need to break it off... I'm too vain for Stress... I love myself too much to allow such shit treatment... I'm looking to replace her with something other than my favourite men; Ben & Jerry, Meg Ryan marathons, and my Trader Joes $3 wine...

Alright, enough with the realizations, I found the answer....

I found the cure.... you ready for this? Forget Yoda... Forget Denise Austin's Hug-A-Tree Yoga, or Vagazaling...Words of wisdom from the man himself...


This will help. promise.swear. I've been Stress free for 15 minutes now... BETTER THAN MIRACLE WHIP.
